On Basic Truth
The One True God: God exists in eternity, outside of, and not bound by “time.” He is One. All things were made by Him and for Him. He chose the Israelite people of the Hebrew Scriptures (the law, the prophets, and the psalms) to give birth to the Messiah, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. He commands all men everywhere to repent and put their trust in Him. Jesus Christ (the man) was “sent,” in the foreknowledge of God, into the world from all of eternity and we who believe are His inheritance. Jesus is the Son of God and the Son of Man. God is Spirit and has no body, yet in Jesus Christ, God became human while not ceasing to be God. He was subjected to human weaknesses and is relational to His creatures in this way. He is our High Priest. Of the twelve that were given to Him, He had lost none, except the son of perdition that the Scripture might be fulfilled. He said, “Yours they were and You gave them to Me.” The Eternal Spirit (God is Spirit) to the “Son of God, Son of Man.” He was born of the virgin Mary and conceived by the Holy Spirit. The Scriptures show that the Holy Spirit is a person, or rather, that He has personality. He is not another person, but the same person, Jesus Christ. In Jesus Christ dwells all of the fullness of the Godhead in a body. He is the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. This is the extent of our knowledge. Amen.
Authority: The authority is the Holy Spirit and the words of God. The Scriptures say that those who have the Holy Spirit have an “anointing” from the Holy One and have no need that anyone teach them. God has, however, given apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers for the edifying of the body of Christ. God uses the Scriptures to “lead and guide us in the way we should go.” It is a “lamp unto our feet and a light to our path.” It washes us in truth and saves us from our sin. The Holy Spirit doesn't go against the Word of God. Holy men, chosen by God, were “carried” along by the Holy Spirit to write the Word. The testimonies of those who were eye-witnesses of His Majesty, and of those who have gazed upon, and touched the Word of life is what is true. What is commonly, and historically called the “New Testament” is reliable. Wisdom literature, the psalms, prophets, and the the law in the “Old Testament” is also reliable. Books that are called "Apocryphal" or other historical, and early church writings may contain truth but need to be examined scrupulously with the help of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is the guide into truth, and He has bore witness that Jesus is the Christ. Salvation: Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Salvation is brought about by belief in the person and work of Jesus Christ. It is obtained and realized by repentance and obedience to the teachings of Christ and faith in His name. It is not of him who wills, or of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy. Man must believe and repent to be saved. We have been chosen for this salvation before the foundation of the world, and God will put His laws and His Spirit into our hearts whereby we will cry “Abba Father.” God calls us to live a life of persistent holiness. The Holy Spirit lives within us and we can no longer abide in sin. Unrepentant sin (which includes greed, hate, etc.) is an evidence of no faith, or is someone who is producing no fruit, and is in danger of God's discipline.
Judgment: Judgment is in the Earth right now yet not in its fulfillment. The people of God bring the Word of God into the Earth to bring justice and judgment. Jesus is preparing a place in heaven for us and will come back to judge the Earth. Those who have died in faith will be resurrected, the living will be raptured and we will “ever be with the Lord.” Those who reject the the light of conscience, the light of creation, and the light of the world (Jesus Christ), will be consigned to a place called hell where they will pay for their sins according to Jesus' own words that we should not fear man who has power to kill, but fear God who has power to kill and afterwards cast into hell. The Universal Church: The Church comprises of those who have put their trust in Jesus Christ for salvation, and only those who put their trust in Jesus Christ for salvation. The Church is God's vehicle for saving the world through faith, trust, and obedience. It is the pillar and foundation of all spiritual truth. Jesus Christ said you either “gather or scatter,” and every true Christian desires to build up the Church of Christ. The body exists in true faith and repentance, and individuals have been given grace to fulfill God's will and God's plan. We should earnestly desire spiritual gifts and God's grace to become more effective at building up the body of Christ and the Kingdom of God. No spiritual gifts have ceased, and no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly. God resists the proud, and is even pleased to reveal secrets to babes in Christ. “Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings He has perfected praise.” “His thoughts are not our thoughts, neither are His ways our ways.” As far as the heavens are above the Earth, so are God's ways above yours. We must separate wheat from chaff and wheat from tares by holding to God's truths in His word and demanding that His tangible power is present in our lives, including the gifts of the Holy Spirit. As we bring the Word of God into the Earth, God will use it to bring justice, deliverance, equity, and salvation! To raise every valley, and lay low every mountain. To proclaim good news to the poor and the day of vengeance to those who are opposed to His Good News. It is the duty of the Christian to speak the Word, encourage the weak, and warn the wicked. God's Word will not return unto Him void but will accomplish His will as we speak and teach it.
The Roles of Men and Women: The biblical roles of a man and a woman have been subject to debate throughout church history and increasingly in our modern church era and society. The bible says that the husband is to be the head of the wife, and she is to submit to him “in all things.” How then can a woman not be the head of her house, but then become head of the household of God? This is not right. Nevertheless, God has permitted things in the past because of the stubbornness of people's hearts, and to meet needs that are not being met. God will heal on the Sabbath, and David will eat the priests bread if it must be so. Paul demonstrated his will to become all things to all men that he may win some of them, including nazarite vows and circumcision. We must understand that many women feel genuinely discriminated against because they feel God has somehow not rewarded them with enough power or influence. We should nurse this weakness so as to not alienate women who have not found an identity in the Lord however teaching and oversight should be limited to “faithful men who are able to teach others also.” We are not to permit women to teach, or exercise authority over the man. The gift of prophecy demonstrated by Deborah, Huldah, and Phillips daughters for instance is that. A literal gift to tell of the future. Not many are gifted to do this. Unless there are no men who will teach the principles of the Word of God, and a “healing on the Sabbath” must take place, authority should rest with the man and real women delight in that. Like the prophet Isaiah says, “ As for My people, children are their oppressors, And women rule over them. O My people! Those who lead you cause you to err, And destroy the way of your paths.”
On Ordinances
Baptism and Baptism in the Spirit: Baptism is the first act of repentance and is a necessary sign of repentance. John the baptist commanded men to be baptized believing on Christ who would come, and the Apostles baptized for repentance and remission of sins. It is how we call on the name of the Lord, and seek a new life with Him. Being baptized in the name of Jesus is to be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Proliferating the message that He is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit is trustworthy, and true. Speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives the utterance is a sign of the infilling of the Holy Spirit and should be sought. It is a gift that allows one to bypass the mind, and talk to God in the Spirit. Not all speak in tongues, and St. Paul concludes that unbelievers will think you are perhaps “out of your mind” and leave the church and not come back if they see this gift and do not understand it. We can always be filled with more of God and should be earnestly desiring the spiritual gifts.
The Lord's Supper: The Lord's Supper is a Holy thing. It is for those who can discern the body of Christ. Any man in hypocrisy should beware, as Judas' took a sip of the blood of Christ and Satan entered into him. It is a Holy thing. He had finally ate and drank judgment upon himself according to the words of St Paul in one of his epistles to the Corinthian church. The Lord's Supper is more than just eating bread and drinking wine, it is recognizing the lifeblood of our life, which is the communion of saints and our communion with God. Being hypocritical in these matters is what Judas was guilty of and he “hung out” and took advantage of God and His people for the last time. We should earnestly desire that God is merciful in His judgments and hope for repentance for all who come to church or fellowship. Jesus also washed the disciples feet as a sign of His humility, and His power to wash away sin. Not all were clean however. We can, and should, desire to be washed and renewed at this institution God has made so that we may remember what God in Christ has done for us.